6 Ways to Make Your Ads Stand Out

Did you catch RMR’s recent column in Washington SmartCEO Magazine? If not, the article can be found below. You can also find all of RMR’s articles from the magazine here.   Finish this sentence: "Certs with Retsyn gives you ___, ____, _____ ______ ___ ____."   If you were able to supply the missing words "two, two, two mints in one," you are a living, breathing example of the effectiveness of advertising creative. This Certs breath mint ad ran decades ago, yet most people can still spout it off as if they had just viewed it this morning. This creative scored well because the message was concise, memorable, benefit-orientated, frequent and distinctly unique.   Of those five attributes, being distinctly unique is the most important.  “We're fighting for attention in a noisy world,” says RMR President Robyn Sachs.  “Surveys show that readers, viewers and listeners give you only two-seconds to gain their attention. If you can't stop the reader, viewer or listener, you've wasted your investment and you've communicated nothing.”   Before you start crafting jingles or designing creative, it's best to clearly define exactly what advertising truly is. Advertising is controlled communications designed to increase profits.  Properly done, good [...]