6 Steps for Building a Better Press Release

    Did you catch RMR’s recent column in Washington SmartCEO Magazine? If not, the article can be found below. You can also find all of RMR’s articles from the magazine here.   There are some simple steps that can make your writing more readable and your Press Release more likely to be noticed by a Reporter.   1.  Writing is all about strategy. Think of the evening news anchor who drops hints before a commercial break about the weather forecast without giving away the goods. Or a really good movie trailer intended to get you to pony up your $10 to see the film. The approach is no different than for any other professional writing, particularly for a Press Release. It's all about strategy.   You want an editor, reporter or potential customer to pay attention to you, right? Then every word you write should answer this reader's question: "What's in it for me?" That's the question that media consumers subconsciously ask themselves when they look over your VNR, radio spot or Press Release to determine whether to do the work and keep going. All the Spam we filter out these days means that you have less time to [...]