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Market Product Positioning
Robyn Sachs has headed RMR & Associates since 1987. As one of the top market product positioning, RMR fully understands that to gain attention, marketing demands a higher order of creativity. But we also know your market product positioning must produce results. So we build accountability into every client’s program. Because we’re not just another one of the market positioning research firms. We realize that all of your marketing communications must be measurably productive.
Robyn Sachs, President of RMR & Associates, one of the leading woman-owned market product positioning firms in the country, located in Rockville, Maryland says: If you’re looking for market product positioning, no one will work harder for you to achieve the results you want than we will. And we have over 250 company and product roll-outs to prove it!
Says Sachs: Let me explain a little more about the way this firm works when it comes to marketing communications in Washington DC, and why you should go with RMR.
How to Use Marketing to Add Value to Your Company.
Windows of opportunity are fleeting. Once-in-a-lifetime opportunities are even more elusive. When InSoft challenged AT&T for a bite of the desktop video conferencing market, effective marketing had not only positioned InSoft products as industry leaders, it had positioned the company as a leader.
Thanks to product and corporate positioning campaigns conducted by RMR & Associates, InSoft garnered press coverage in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and other premier media outlets, gaining the attention of Web browser giant Netscape. After the dust settled, Netscape had purchased the $7 million InSoft for 23 times earnings — an astounding $161 million.
Such serendipitous financial gain doesn’t happen every day, but when it does, you can bet effective marketing played a key role, as it did with InSoft, preparing them to meet the opportunity.
RMR defines marketing as the business of attracting, converting and keeping customers. When people think about marketing they automatically imagine advertising, public relations or direct mail. But all of that is not marketing — it’s merely the vehicles we use to drive home the marketing. Marketing is a strategy.
Marketing is actually a strategy spelled out in a written plan – a plan that you are committed to consistently investing in for at least one year. You need to look at your program as an investment that pays off over time. After a year you will start to see a positive correlation between your commitment and your investment. You must remember “the rule of seven” when developing a marketing strategy. This rule says that it takes seven consistent impressions over 12 months for consumers to recognize your message. Frequency over time is the equation that multiplies marketing results. Commitment to investing in both is what separates the winners from the losers.
Once committed to creating a year-long marketing plan, make sure you cover the following key points:
- Market segment of interest. Is your market the general consumer? Is it a business or industry that serves the consumer? What portion of the product line are you going after? What is your niche?
- Market segment’s size and customer population. Who are your potential buyers? How many of them are there? If they are actual consumers, identify them in terms of age, sex, income, geography, ethnicity and as many other demographic segments as possible. If your market is a business or industry that serves consumers, identify them in terms of company size, geography, share of market, reputation, etc.
- Identify important competitors and discover their strengths and weaknesses. Who are your main competitors? Prioritize them. Research their strengths and weaknesses by reading industry publications, visiting their Web sites, following newsgroup postings, utilizing mystery shoppers, talking to former employees or conducting focus groups with competitors’ current customers.
- Establish a market share goal that will provide a commanding position. You want a commanding position because you are better off being a big fish in a small pond, than trying to be a small fish in a big pond. Big mistakes are seen every day in marketing plans by people trying to bite off a larger segment than they can afford to dominate.
- Describe how the product will be differentiated, positioned, promoted, priced, supported and serviced. Your marketing communications agency can help you establish many of these aspects that will become the key selling points of your marketing message.
- Estimate your costs and establish a budget. Remember, properly done, your marketing plan will be an investment that pays off far more than the expense of your budget. It is far better to have a lean 10 to 20 page marketing plan that is used and updated every three months, than to possess a 200 page document that gathers dust on some shelf.
- Sell the steak’s sizzle. If you don’t get your marketing plan right, anything that marketing communications does later will be like placing a Band-Aid on a puncture wound. It just won’t help. Marketing communications is the end product of a well thought-out plan based on a well defined market need, in a well defined market segment.
Of course this is not everything there is to know about Marketing Communications Firm in Maryland. Call Robyn today at (301) 230-0045 x2o0 or email us below and tell us what you’re working on. We’ll let you know how we can help!