The Rules of Collateral: Sell, Sell, Sell!

President and CEO of RMR, Robyn Sachs tells it how it is when it comes to the importance of using fabulous brochures, flyers and products to sell your product. Now, more then ever, we are stressing the importance that regardless of what the product may be, it is crucial that your company provide a compelling brochure to a prospective customer in order to generate the return you are looking for. Some tried and true tips that RMR recommends when creating the ultimate brochure include:  Start selling on the cover. Sell benefits, not features. Add photos to make it real. Give it the “Heads, Subheads, Captions” test. Sell, Sell, Sell! Follow these steps and you are on the high road to success. It is no longer enough to just show up to trade shows, or line up sales calls. What you need to do is provide the prospect with a polished and impressive product that they can walk away with, leaving a lasting impression. Feel free to check out Robyn Sachs’ article “The First Rule of Collateral: Sell, Sell, Sell” addressing this idea in its entirety! Does your company offer a brochure that truly sells for you?