Sales Presentations that SELL!

Below is an article from RMR’s President and CEO Robyn Sachs that shows the value of effective sales presentations and serves as a great resource for companies looking to enhance their business.   Sales Presentations that Sell! At the top of the RMR Marketing Pyramid is sales calls- the most expensive marketing method but also potentially the most effective.  Assuming you aren’t cold calling door-to-door, once you’re in a sales call you have narrowed down and qualified the lead to the point that you know you’ll be presenting to a potential customer.  Now it’s up to you to close the deal with a dynamite sales presentation that makes them eager to buy what you’re selling.  From PowerPoint presentations to webinars, the point is to enhance your message, not obscure it.   Whoa!  What do they need to know? It’s easy to get carried away and overwhelmed by colors and fonts and music and special effects.  But even a whiz-bang presentation can leave viewers wondering what the whole thing meant – and that means you wasted your time and money putting it together.  So the first step is to ask yourself this one question: What do they need to know to [...]