Did you catch our latest SmartCEO column?

Did you catch RMR’s recent column in Washington SmartCEO Magazine?  If not, the article can be found below.  You can also find all of RMR’s articles from the magazine here.   10 Tips to Sharpen Your PR Practicing public relations is much like handling explosives. Detonate in just the right way and your blast does its job, capturing lots of attention. But handle your detonation recklessly and it can explode in your face – also capturing lots of attention.   Savvy marketers realize that before they ignite any public relations program, they better have a systematic game plan for how they’ll proceed. When you go out too early in your development schedule and talk about how great your product is going to be, you might get some press coverage, which is great! But if your development schedule then slips, reporters will certainly remember, and your credibility will suffer.   To ensure you get the best return for your public relations efforts, I recommend following “The 10 Tips to Sharpen Your PR.”   1. Understand the reporter’s role. It is the reporter’s job to sift through the mountain of press releases and industry information to inform, educate and advise his or [...]