Monthly Archives: February 2019

Lost Business Secrets Millenials Need to Know – Part 2

This is the second part of the article with advice for millennials on succeeding in today’s business environment. Each part stands alone and can be read before reading the other. To read Part 1 click here. Back to Basics - Part 2 If you have millennial employees, you know how creative, quick and tech savvy they are. They can be at a disadvantage, though, because their education and life experiences didn’t prepare them fully for work. And this lack may hold them back in their careers unless they learn now what they need to know. Here are the “missing secrets” that will help them survive, thrive and become valuable employees. 1. Start each day with a smile. Repeat It’s a scientific fact that flexing your smile muscles sends a signal to your brain that tells it you are happy. And when your brain believes you’re happy, you become happy. Really! Happy people see the possibilities around them instead of troubles. Problems become challenges they’re eager to overcome instead. Over time, they become positive people. And positive people are like magnets drawing everyone to them. Who would you rather be around: someone who complains about everything, or someone who finds the [...]

By |2019-02-26T21:28:40+00:00February 26th, 2019|News & Events|Comments Off on Lost Business Secrets Millenials Need to Know – Part 2

Tips, Tricks & Trends – Social Media Tips

Your business is probably using social media. There are some great tips in this article from SmallBiz Ahead The 9 Worst Things Your Business Can Do on Social Media (And What to Do Instead)

By |2019-02-14T19:06:57+00:00February 14th, 2019|News & Events|Comments Off on Tips, Tricks & Trends – Social Media Tips

Lost Business Secrets Millennials Need to Know

Back to Basics - Part 1 Much has been written about how to work with millennials: what they want from their jobs, how they differ from previous generations, how to keep them happy, etc. All good to know. But in focusing so heavily on their needs, it seems no one explained to them what they need to do to have a successful career. First, let me be clear. We love our millennial employees at RMR. Every semester, we recruit the most promising for our robust intern program. We understand that as new grads, they’ll need lots of guidance. But recently, I’ve noticed some alarming trends among the applicants. Whatever they may have learned in college, they missed out on some very important lessons. It’s not their fault that they weren’t taught these basics. But this lack of knowledge is going to hold them back…unless they learn it now. Feel free to share this with the millennials you know to help them reach their potential and enjoy satisfying business careers. 1. Manners matter. It’s true that we live in a much more casual society than even just a decade ago. Many former rules of etiquette, both for business and social settings, [...]

By |2019-02-08T18:56:43+00:00February 8th, 2019|News & Events|Comments Off on Lost Business Secrets Millennials Need to Know
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