Monthly Archives: April 2019

Learn how RMR’s client, House Buyers, achieved dramatic sales growth

RMR Helps House Buyers of America Hit the Mark with a Direct Response TV Campaign The client’s commitment to long-term growth led the decision to retain one of the area’s leading marketing and public relations firms Rockville, MD – April 9, 2019 – RMR & Associates, Inc. (RMR) announces today that the direct response TV advertising campaign it has planned and implemented for its client, House Buyers of America, Inc. (House Buyers) has been a critical element in the dramatic increase in the lead generation, engagement, and sales growth the company has seen over the past six-months. The integrated campaign included more than 5,000 ads running over top network television stations in the Washington, DC region, the 6th largest media market in the country. To-date, it has generated the following key results: Overall website traffic increased by 53%; Website leads increased by over 77%; and Leads and information requests more than doubled. To achieve these results, RMR leveraged its decades-long experience and success in direct response marketing, digital advertising, call center operations, and TV advertising to develop a fully-customized, integrated campaign. The media buys centered on local contacts and outlets for a regional, as opposed to a typical national campaign, [...]

By |2019-04-10T15:43:06+00:00April 10th, 2019|News & Events|Comments Off on Learn how RMR’s client, House Buyers, achieved dramatic sales growth

Who Are You Again?

Imagine that you are shopping - it doesn’t matter whether you’re grocery shopping or preparing to buy large, high-tech office equipment – and you have the choice of buying from a well-known company with a good reputation, or one you’ve neither seen nor heard of before.  Which one would you choose?  Whether you’re deciding on a box of cereal or a high-end car, your choice is clear.  People want to do business with someone they trust.  And you can’t trust someone you’ve never heard of, can you? Build their trust to get the sale. If your company’s name isn’t on the tips of your buyers’ tongues, how do you gain their trust so they’ll buy from you?  Fortunately, this isn’t the puzzle it may seem to be.  In marketing, we know the formula for building trust: Consistency of Message + Frequency over Time = TRUST Or, simply put, consistency over time builds trust.  Determine your most compelling message for your target audience.  Then, regardless of the media you decide to use, get that message in front of your audience on a regular basis over a period of time. Top-of-Mind Awareness is the key. This formula has been tested and proven, [...]

By |2019-04-01T18:51:20+00:00April 1st, 2019|News & Events|Comments Off on Who Are You Again?
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