Monthly Archives: October 2019

RMR Joins Washington Business Journal’s Leadership Trust

RMR & Associates Joins the Executive Board of the Washington Business Journal’s Leadership Trust The award-winning integrated marketing firm joins Greater Washington’s invitation-only community for top business decision makers Rockville, MD – October 29, 2019 – RMR & Associates, Inc. (, one of the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area’s leading Integrated Marketing, Advertising, and Public Relations firms, announces today that it has been invited to join the Executive Board of the Washington Business Journal’s Leadership Trust. The group is an exclusive, invitation-only community of influential business leaders from across the Washington, DC region. RMR & Associates was chosen for membership by the Selection Committee for its track-record for industry leadership and excellence, as well as the innovative approach it takes to its marketing communications service delivery. RMR serves clients across various industries, ranging from government contractors and technology start-ups to healthcare, retail, life insurance and other professional services companies, as well as many in between. RMR brings a fresh, dynamic, and results-driven focus to its campaigns to help its clients achieve lasting success. “We are honored to join the Executive Board of the Washington Business Journal Leadership Trust,” said RMR’s President and CEO, Robyn Sachs. “As an area business owner and [...]

By |2019-10-29T18:58:09+00:00October 29th, 2019|News & Events|Comments Off on RMR Joins Washington Business Journal’s Leadership Trust

Tailoring Your Marketing Outreach

Account-based marketing can be extremely beneficial to your company.  Learn more in the Forbes article Maximize Account-Based Marketing with a Multipronged Approach

By |2019-10-03T17:34:15+00:00October 3rd, 2019|News & Events|Comments Off on Tailoring Your Marketing Outreach
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