Monthly Archives: October 2020

Convert sales leads using PR: It’s easier than you think

Convert sales leads using PR: It’s easier than you think By Robyn Sachs, President & CEO of RMR & Associates The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a number of unexpected challenges and opportunities for businesses across industries, one of the biggest being the abrupt rise of the remote workforce. As organizations grapple with these rapidly evolving changes, new questions arise about how to maximize efforts and ensure continued growth. I recently had a client ask me how to generate leads from all of the great PR opportunities generated over the past few months. While the world has changed dramatically in a short time, some key tenets hold true. Now more than ever, investing in a consistent, targeted PR campaign is not just positive for brand awareness and recognition, but it’s also a great way to generate sales leads for your business. It’s not just for ‘air cover’ You may have heard PR referred to as "air cover," or a corollary activity that is helpful when used in conjunction with other marketing vehicles. This is true; however, the benefits that this "air cover" generate, including positive exposure, thought leadership positioning and increased visibility for your expertise, are extremely valuable to your company’s [...]

By |2020-10-02T18:02:48+00:00October 2nd, 2020|News & Events|Comments Off on Convert sales leads using PR: It’s easier than you think
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