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Spring Cleaning for Your Press Releases

Top Tips to Give Your Press Releases a Spring Cleaning By Robyn M. Sachs President, RMR & Associates, Inc. Even with the Coronavirus, spring is a time of renewal, and that inevitable drive to clean and refresh. However, spring cleaning isn’t just for closets and rooms around the house. Your business needs it, too – and your outward-facing communications vehicles are a great place to start. Here are a few tried-and-true tips to get your organization’s press releases into top shape this season: 1. Commit to a strategy. In a press release, focus, approach, and the logical presentation of information isn’t just preferable – it’s crucial to ensure you catch the attention of the editorial teams who are being inundated from all angles with other news at the same time. Additionally, your piece should focus on answering the questions “What’s in it for me?” and “Why should I care?” that Reporters will inevitably be asking. The sheer volume of information and spam that we have to filter through on a daily, even hourly, basis requires a strict emphasis on providing concise, focused data to communicate clearly and prevent the reader from simply scrolling to the next story. Remember that your [...]

By |2020-04-07T17:10:09+00:00April 7th, 2020|News & Events|Comments Off on Spring Cleaning for Your Press Releases

How to use PR to Build on Social Media Stardom

How to use PR to Build on Social Media Stardom By Robyn Sachs, President & CEO, RMR & Associates, Inc. Social media stardom brings its own brand of panache. Legions of followers and influencers affirm the value and credibility of your brand in digital channels. So why use PR to reinforce and grow your visibility? The truth is, PR is an essential element to not just build on the awareness you’ve already achieved, but to ensure your brand is primed for growth and has the staying power necessary to ensure you’re not just a passing trend on social media. The decision to implement a consistent, targeted public relations campaign is a key strategic move to help you leverage your brand for maximum visibility and awareness. Doing so helps you amplify the awareness you’ve built already and take it to the next level. If you’re curious about how to effectively leverage PR to achieve greater influence, add to your followers and mentions and create lasting growth, here are some top tips to consider: Lead with your expertise When you’re planning your PR campaign, ensure your company’s expertise and unique selling propositions (USPs) are center stage. The knowledge you and your team [...]

By |2020-02-25T21:14:45+00:00February 25th, 2020|News & Events|Comments Off on How to use PR to Build on Social Media Stardom

Get Your Company Noticed

    You don't have to be a big business to have successful marketing. Read more in this article from Inc. "3 Ways to Market Your Small Business on a Shoestring Budget" READ HERE

By |2020-01-17T18:14:14+00:00January 17th, 2020|News & Events|Comments Off on Get Your Company Noticed

The Magic of Innovative Marketing Sales Funnel Management

By Robyn Sachs, President & CEO, RMR & Associates, Inc. Many CEOs are constantly searching for that one perfect solution to increase revenue, and in the process, they're often bombarded with "can't miss" pitches. They go searching like Diogenes for an honest solution, but they end up becoming increasingly cynical as they realize that most solutions rarely work as promised. I believe the true solution is rooted in what W. Edwards Deming, noted proponent of quality control, reportedly said: “In God we trust, all others must bring data.” That is easier said than done, as prospects rarely report how they decide …or do they? If CEOs could measure the decision-making process of potential customers and acquired customers, they could gain a better understanding of how they could improve. The key lies in integrated sales and marketing teams that understand, measure and manage the sales funnel. The sales funnel is a series of distinct steps, often sequential, that lead a prospect to purchase a product or service. "Funnel management" maps the customer’s journey from not knowing anything about the company to spending money on the company’s product or service. The funnel can be the company’s own Diogenes journey — but a successful one. Companies [...]

By |2020-01-09T21:14:09+00:00January 9th, 2020|News & Events|Comments Off on The Magic of Innovative Marketing Sales Funnel Management
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