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10 Tips for Giving Quotable, Notable Interviews: Part Two

10 tips for giving quotable, notable interviews: Part Two By Robyn Sachs, President & CEO of RMR & Associates, Inc. Part One of this article detailed my first five tips for steering an interview the way you want it to go. (Don’t worry if you haven’t read it yet; each part stands alone and can be read in any order.) Follow these tips and you’ll get your key points across clearly for quotable, notable interviews. Tip 6: Nix the cliches. If it’s been said a million times, don’t say it again. That means burying the adages about squeaky wheels, early birds and the sports analogies, too. They’ve all been done before. Be remembered by being different: an original. You’ve most likely witnessed celebrities promoting their movies by making the rounds of talk shows and telling the same stories at each one. Give each interviewer something new. Tip 7: Practice your key points. You don’t want to come across as rehearsed or exactly like other interviews you may have given. But you also don’t want to experience the horror of forgetting what you were about to say, especially when you are nervous or distracted. Repeat your two or three key points — the [...]

By |2023-03-28T17:57:05+00:00March 28th, 2023|News & Events|Comments Off on 10 Tips for Giving Quotable, Notable Interviews: Part Two

10 tips for giving quotable, notable interviews: Part One

10 tips for giving quotable, notable interviews: Part One By Robyn Sachs, President & CEO of RMR & Associates, Inc. The three worst words of wisdom for being interviewed are: “Just wing it.” Sure, you know your topic inside and out and could give off-the-cuff answers. But doing that often leads to that sinking feeling when you see your words in print and marvel, “Did I really say that?” When you give a presentation, you make notes and prepare slides to guide you through it, making sure you don’t get off track and forget important points. When you are being interviewed, however, the reporter is in control of the interview’s direction. Here’s how to steer the interview where you want it to go and bring it back to the points you want to get across. These are my first five tips. Part Two will cover the remaining five. Tip 1: Choose your top two or three messages. No more. An interview is your chance to get your message out, but it’s easy to get sidetracked when answering question after question, being interrupted or sitting under bright lights while being recorded. Ask yourself in advance: What are the three main points [...]

By |2023-02-20T20:08:48+00:00February 20th, 2023|News & Events|Comments Off on 10 tips for giving quotable, notable interviews: Part One
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