Effective Corporate Communication – Get Our Free Whitepaper!
Effective Corporate Communication
Speaking of effective corporate communication for your company, RMR & Associates has helped roll out over 350 companies and products since it was started in 1987. Its hundreds of clients have made millions of dollars with RMR’s advice and assistance.
RMR is one of the largest effective corporate communication firms owned by a woman in Maryland dealing with Business to Business (B-to-B) and Business to Government (B-to-G) clients. These clients trust RMR, because RMR delivers the promise of the proposal. Because RMR has proven processes and procedures that guarantee that your company gets the progress reporting you need to give you comfort and confidence that your project will be a success. Because RMR will execute the necessary tasks relentlessly to deliver the results that are the promise of your proposal.
RMR is also one of the only effective corporate communication firms in the Washington DC area where the agency is also your one stop shop for other marketing vehicles that leverage your investment in your advertising program and give you the synergy that makes your integrated marketing program more than the sum of its parts.
- Public Relations
- Press releases
- Authored articles
- Feature articles
- Award Opportunities
- Speaking Opportunities
- Web Marketing
- Lead-Generating web sites
- Email marketing campaigns
- Search engine optimization (organic)
- Search engine marketing (AdWords)
- Trade shows
- Positioning and Branding
- Product launches
Why Have Media Training?
Media training and rehearsed press presentations are an integral part of a strategic public relations program and will help you define a “voice” for the organization to advance your corporate agenda and handle a variety of corporate communications situations. Strategic and proactive preparation of key company spokespeople to communicate with the media and use of a rehearsed presentation will be essential to consistently convey your corporate message and product, market, and corporate positioning to the media and analysts.
The message that you communicate to these influencers is central to your business success because it is through these third-party references that your target audience learns of and forms opinions about you and your products, services, and management.
Your potential customers rely on trade, business and local press to provide them with credible, third-party information about you and your competitors. It is important, therefore, that your spokespeople know, understand, and are prepared to deliver key corporate messages when speaking with the media. Your goal is to use multiple spokespeople to deliver that message.
RMR recommends media training as the means to ensure that your principals and spokespeople are able to handle any questions put forth by the press and analysts, and thus have an active role in building and shaping the media’s perception of you. Their perception of your message will have a direct impact on the readers’ perceptions and beliefs about the company. RMR has developed a customized, comprehensive media training program for your executives to professionally handle the media.
The benefits of training your spokespeople to communicate effectively with the media will be seen in what the media writes about you over the long term. Media training will help your principals to respond to specific questions effectively, and at the same time, to return the conversation to your key messages. Over time, your repetition of your product/service, market and corporate positioning (especially if supported by the market) will begin to be repeated by the press when referring to you.
Another key benefit of using media training to prepare your spokespeople for communicating with the media will be to enhance your ability to quickly and clearly communicate how you fit into the big picture. This ability will bolster the media’s desire to call you for comment and will improve the chances that you are included in key articles and stories about your central markets.
Contact us today to discuss how we can help you get more out of your relationship with the media!