Ralph Nader Event at Bethesda Blues & Jazz
RMR's client Bethesda Blues & Jazz will be hosting an event on Monday May 12th with Ralph Nader to promote his new book "Unstoppable." The information about the event is below and you can buy tickets here.
RMR's client Bethesda Blues & Jazz will be hosting an event on Monday May 12th with Ralph Nader to promote his new book "Unstoppable." The information about the event is below and you can buy tickets here.
On Wednesday April 23rd, RMR client Coakley Realty will be co-sponsoring an event for the Big Brothers Big Sisters of the National Capital Area. The event will take place at Bethesda Blues & Jazz, another RMR client. All the information regarding the event can be found in the link below: http://myemail.constantcontact.com/Big-Brothers-Big-Sisters-Event-on-April-23rd.html?soid=1011219684021&aid=KFSlu85x790