Monthly Archives: October 2009

RMR President Wins 2009 Small Business Mentorship Award

We're excited to announce that our President and CEO, Robyn Sachs was honored this morning by Montgomery County's Workforce Investment Board and Department of Economic Development, with the 2009 Small Business Mentorship Award. The award recognizes a business that has provided mentorship to small businesses in Montgomery County resulting in growth for the company they've mentored.   We asked Robyn about her feeling around this achievement and she said she's always been a strong believer in the value of mentorship, and that it gives her great pride to see a company she has mentored grow and succeed.   RMR always makes the recommendation to our clients to participate in relevant award opportunities because it builds excellent third-party reference, establishes your company as a leader and helps with corporate positioning. It is a great tool to have in your marketing tool kit to garner awareness and recognition for you company and achievements.   Congratulations to Robyn!   We'd love to hear about recent achievements your organization has been honored for?

By |2009-10-30T11:48:06+00:00October 30th, 2009|Blog, Uncategorized|Comments Off on RMR President Wins 2009 Small Business Mentorship Award

Kick-off to the Trade Show Season

Over the past few months we’ve been hearing more and more interest from our clients on how they can get in front of a large amount of potential customers. Our answer to that is hit the Trade Show circuit!   Trade Shows are a great opportunity for companies to interact one-on-one with their customers and fellow industry colleagues. It allows you to relay your company's key messages and services first hand to a wide audience of prospective customers, which means great networking opportunities and lead generation. Often times when strategizing a trade show calendar, we forget to ask ourselves a few key questions. Whether you’re a vet or a newbie to trade shows, it’s worth taking a moment to ask yourself the Who-What-When-Where-Why and How questions so you’ll be sure you have the right show, the right message, and the right methods to achieve your goals.   We invite you to check out an article from Robyn Sachs, President & CEO of RMR, on Trade Show marketing, titled, "The Who-What-When- Where- Why and How of Trade Show Marketing." The article goes a bit more in depth on answering questions that you should think about when deciding to participate in Trade Shows, such as: Who are you trying to reach? [...]

By |2009-10-15T14:40:59+00:00October 15th, 2009|Blog, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Kick-off to the Trade Show Season
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