Monthly Archives: September 2018

Tips, Tricks and Trends – Creating Facebook Ads

You may be considering Facebook advertising, but with so many options available it can be confusing.  Learn tips from a member of Hootsuite's brand team. How to Create the Perfect Facebook Ad in Minutes

By |2018-09-27T18:48:29+00:00September 27th, 2018|News & Events|Comments Off on Tips, Tricks and Trends – Creating Facebook Ads

In Business, Back to School Means Back to Networking!

The Power of 1:1 Marketing:  Networking By Robyn Sachs, President and CEO There’s no question that advertising and public relations – when done well – are essential, effective methods for reaching large groups of people, some of whom will become your customers.  But to be noticed, heard and remembered, nothing beats the power of 1:1 marketing. Now hold on just a second…I’m not suggesting you go door-to-door armed with your business cards and literature like an eager politician – though that is a type of 1:1 marketing.  And a powerful one at that!  Voters are far more likely to choose a candidate after they’ve met in person.  Why else would politicians go to such lengths to shake thousands of strange hands and cuddle scores of unknown babies? Networking at meetings and events. Why do you attend meetings and events?  If it were just to get and give information, email and the Internet are much less costly and time consuming.  You make the time and commit to the expense of attending meetings and events to be seen.  To meet face-to-face.  To be heard.  And most important, to be remembered. Meeting in person puts a face to your business.  But to be [...]

By |2018-09-20T17:05:30+00:00September 20th, 2018|News & Events|Comments Off on In Business, Back to School Means Back to Networking!
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