Monthly Archives: November 2020

How to pack your social media posts with viral power

How to pack your social media posts with viral power By Robyn Sachs, President & CEO of RMR & Associates, Inc. An organization’s communications approach should involve several levels and vehicles, from traditional public and media relations to email marketing to targeted advertising and more. Social media is the often-underrecognized vehicle that, when leveraged efficiently, can deliver exponential value and returns to cement and improve an organization’s image — many times for a fraction of the cost and time commitment. Over the years, I have had several clients come to us interested in adding a social media strategy to their marketing communications mix but not always certain about how to navigate the process to achieve the ultimate goal: viral distribution. The fact is, social media is rich in options, and the possibilities for targeting messaging and sharing content are virtually limitless. The real question for many companies becomes how best to use social media to achieve maximum impact. Here are some tried-and-true tips for packing your social media posts with the power they need to get above the noise and go viral. Play up the FOMO and grab audiences from the get-go Due to the massive amounts of content floating [...]

By |2020-11-25T14:50:18+00:00November 25th, 2020|News & Events|Comments Off on How to pack your social media posts with viral power
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