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Nail Your Next Media Interview for Maximum Business Benefits!

How to nail your next media interview and achieve maximum business benefits By Robyn Sachs, President & CEO of RMR & Associates, Inc. It’s time to harness the power of the media and make it work for you. The fact is, the media plays an important role in your business’ growth and long-term success. While interacting with reporters and editors may sometimes be intimidating, your best offense is a strong defense. That’s why you have to ensure that you and members of your staff who speak on behalf of your company are properly media trained. A positive relationship with the media pays off Effective media relations allow you to establish yourself and your company as a credible source. The media also acts as a powerful conduit to enable you to reach your target audiences and speak to timely issues, which shows that you are actively engaged in the current dialogue. Interviews are opportunities that allow you to: Define and clarify. Promote and protect. Bring your issue to life. Most importantly, in preparing for your media interview, it is critical to remember that the reporter wants a good story — and they are talking to you because they feel confident you [...]

By |2020-07-22T14:27:05+00:00July 22nd, 2020|News & Events|Comments Off on Nail Your Next Media Interview for Maximum Business Benefits!

Marketing In a Downturn

Marketing In a Downturn By Robyn Sachs, President & CEO, RMR & Associates, Inc. There’s talk of a recession on the street and at the (virtual) office. Everyone has less money to spend. What were once considered necessities are now luxuries. What was once growth is now survival. And anyone with any sense is slashing their marketing budget. Right? Wrong. Absolutely wrong. In my experience, when your marketing budget is correctly spent, you can generate even greater return during lean economic times than during prosperous ones. You could even gain a permanent market advantage. So, before you panic, read on for three reasons now is the time to double down on your marketing efforts. Marketing works harder during a recession It’s true. The brave souls who stick to their advertising guns during a recession can gain even greater sales advantages than during easier times. Let’s look at it historically. A McGraw-Hill Research study of business-to-business advertisers, for example, showed that companies that maintained or increased their ad budgets during the 1981-82 recession reaped an eventual advantage of 256% higher sales over companies that cut spending. A similar study by Meldrum and Fewsmith, Inc. about the 1974-75 recession reinforced this finding. And a study by [...]

By |2020-05-28T20:35:12+00:00May 28th, 2020|News & Events|Comments Off on Marketing In a Downturn
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