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What Business Owners Need to Know about Pitching the Media

Getting the media to pick up your company’s stories and press releases is vital to keeping your company in the forefront of consumers’ minds. It’s rare that a Reporter picks up your story without it being pitched to him first. So, it’s crucial to make the pitch relevant and personal to the Reporter’s beat. Here are four simple steps on how to pitch your story more successfully. 1. Story Eclipses Everything Everyone loves a good story—and Reporters are no exception! When pitching about your product or service, remember that it’s not about the product or services, it’s about people and lives. If you can bring in a human aspect, something that invokes emotion, Reporters will be more likely to pick up your story. Before you reach out to a Reporter, ask yourself, “what is the story and why will people care?” 2. Reporters are PRODUCERS Gone are the days where Reporters only write articles and nothing else. With the move to online and digital platforms, Reporters have to create content that appeals to all audiences. That means using pictures, videos, infographics, graphs, and much more to catch and hold readers’ attention, as well as concisely convey the message. If you [...]

By |2019-08-15T14:32:36+00:00August 15th, 2019|News & Events|Comments Off on What Business Owners Need to Know about Pitching the Media

Bring New Products to Life Using 8 Simple Steps

The greatest challenge facing any new product is the FUD Factor—Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. This holds true whether you’re trying to influence Reporters, Editors, Prospects or Customers. Effective public relations not only eliminates FUD, it earns your product the dominant position in customer minds. In PR, like many areas of business, the 80-20 rule applies. In this case, 20% of the market influences the other 80% of the market. In his book titled “The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding” author Al Ries says, “The birth of a brand is achieved through public relations, not advertising.” When your product is first in its category, effective PR not only brands your product, it can make that entire product category synonymous with your product’s name. For example, if I say, “a candy with a hole in it,” it’s likely that the first thing that pops into mind is “Lifesaver.” Other recognizable examples are the first adhesive bandage, Band-Aid, the first cable news network, CNN, the first portable personal computer, Compaq, the first microprocessor, Intel, and the first cotton swab, Q-Tip. Effective PR informs, educates and influences Editors by providing them what they most want to provide their audience—what’s new, what’s first and what’s [...]

By |2019-08-09T14:50:19+00:00August 9th, 2019|News & Events|Comments Off on Bring New Products to Life Using 8 Simple Steps

Improve Sales Results with Marketing Integration

Once upon a time, an enterprising company hired a Marketing Firm to create a dynamic, multi-faceted campaign that included advertising, PR, and targeted email.  A few days after the campaign broke, the company received an envelope containing a check and a note saying, “I’ve been waiting forever for a product like this!  Send me 1,000 of them right away!” The CEO ran to the bank with that check immediately, ran back, and waited for the next day’s mail.  And the next, and the next and the next….and guess what happened?  Nothing!  That’s because the chances of receiving a large order without a nudge or phone call from your sales staff is roughly the same as receiving a bucket of magic beans.  Far better to follow standard protocol – once your marketing campaign breaks, have your sales people step in, follow up on the leads, and close the deals. “Sales and Marketing” are often lumped together as if they were one function, when in fact they are distinct, separate functions that need to work together. The role of marketing communications (MarCom) is to create your brand image, make your target audience aware of your brand or product through “Air Cover”, and [...]

By |2019-07-09T17:22:45+00:00July 9th, 2019|News & Events|Comments Off on Improve Sales Results with Marketing Integration

Rebranding Your Business

Are you considering rebranding your business?  Business News Daily shares excellent information from 5 business owners Read the article "Rebrand Your Business Without Losing Your Audience" on Business Daily News HERE

By |2019-06-13T15:16:39+00:00June 13th, 2019|News & Events|Comments Off on Rebranding Your Business

Public Relations Can Help Your SEO/SEM Results and More – Part 2

PR as Part of the Modern Marketing Mix - Part 2 This is the second part of the article discussing PR as a necessity to a modern marketing mix. Name recognition and visibility are keys to growing your business and public relations is one of the best ways to make your company more visible. Did you know Public Relations can even help your SEO/SEM results? To read Part 1, click HERE Part 2 Different combinations of vehicles can help you accomplish different things. Depending on your goals and your budget, you may want to use some vehicles more often, some less often, and some not at all. Below are continued descriptions of vehicles, uses, and outcomes. See which ones are best suited for your business. Media Training Now that you’ve chosen your spokesperson, you must get started on media training right away.  This should include identifying and memorizing the company’s key message points, preparing the speaker for awkward questions, and teaching repetition and bridging techniques to ensure your spokesperson stays focused on the key message points.  Ideally, your messages will be included, verbatim, in the interviewer’s article.  Many PR firms have media training capabilities that include video and audio recording to prepare for [...]

By |2019-05-29T20:15:23+00:00May 29th, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Public Relations Can Help Your SEO/SEM Results and More – Part 2

Public Relations Can Help Your SEO/SEM Results and More

PR as Part of the Modern Marketing Mix What kind of honor is it to be recognized as "Small Business' Best-Kept Secret"? No matter how long you’ve been in business, customers are less likely to buy from you if they have never heard of your name or product. Name recognition and visibility are the keys to growing your business and Public Relations is one of the best ways to make your company more visible. Did you know Public Relations can even help your SEO/SEM results? We had one recent client who reached out for PR services because their SEO Firm recommended they hire a PR Firm for better “Domain Authority”. When high quality websites like Forbes point back to you through an article, this helps your website move up in perceived value by Google and Bing. A most common misconception about PR is that it’s just publicity. This is far from the truth. Publicity is merely getting the word out. PR is a multi-faceted approach to changing the way the public thinks about, feels about, and reacts to a certain company, person, service or product, by a third-party affirmation. This is also the reason why public relations is not advertising. Advertising is a controlled message [...]

By |2019-05-07T17:11:54+00:00May 7th, 2019|News & Events|Comments Off on Public Relations Can Help Your SEO/SEM Results and More

Learn how RMR’s client, House Buyers, achieved dramatic sales growth

RMR Helps House Buyers of America Hit the Mark with a Direct Response TV Campaign The client’s commitment to long-term growth led the decision to retain one of the area’s leading marketing and public relations firms Rockville, MD – April 9, 2019 – RMR & Associates, Inc. (RMR) announces today that the direct response TV advertising campaign it has planned and implemented for its client, House Buyers of America, Inc. (House Buyers) has been a critical element in the dramatic increase in the lead generation, engagement, and sales growth the company has seen over the past six-months. The integrated campaign included more than 5,000 ads running over top network television stations in the Washington, DC region, the 6th largest media market in the country. To-date, it has generated the following key results: Overall website traffic increased by 53%; Website leads increased by over 77%; and Leads and information requests more than doubled. To achieve these results, RMR leveraged its decades-long experience and success in direct response marketing, digital advertising, call center operations, and TV advertising to develop a fully-customized, integrated campaign. The media buys centered on local contacts and outlets for a regional, as opposed to a typical national campaign, [...]

By |2019-04-10T15:43:06+00:00April 10th, 2019|News & Events|Comments Off on Learn how RMR’s client, House Buyers, achieved dramatic sales growth
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