Monthly Archives: March 2018

Tips, Tricks & Trends – Social Media

Here is an interesting Forbes article discussing how essential strategic social media is in the B2B arena. As explained in this article, your prospects are on social media - use these platforms to educate and inform! Strategic Social Media Is Essential For Driving B2B Sales

By |2018-03-22T17:48:53+00:00March 22nd, 2018|Tips, Tricks, & Trends|Comments Off on Tips, Tricks & Trends – Social Media

Tips, Tricks & Trends – Social Media: Twitter

Google and Twitter might be closer friends than we think. Read this Entrepreneur article discussing the relationship of Google and Twitter and how you can use Twitter to increase your company's visibility online. 3 Ways to Use Twitter to Increase Search Rankings

By |2018-03-19T20:32:28+00:00March 19th, 2018|Tips, Tricks, & Trends|Comments Off on Tips, Tricks & Trends – Social Media: Twitter

Does Your Brand Match Your Culture?

Does Your Brand Match Your Culture? By Robyn Sachs, President and CEO of RMR & Associates Your company’s brand is its image, or how people perceive the company. Typically, the true brand can be found within the company’s culture. So brand changes must start from within. Read more below to learn about understanding what your company’s brand truly is and if it’s not what you want it to be, how you can try to change it. It takes more than luck!   Your Brand is your Company's Identity Before you can change your brand or culture, you have to know what it is. In order to change your company’s brand, you have to first understand what it is and how you developed it. Your company’s brand is its image, or how people perceive the company. A brand isn’t something you give yourself or your company. It isn’t necessarily what management wants it to be. It’s given to you by other people based on how they feel about you. A CEO or marketing team can define what they want the company’s brand to be. They can try to affect it through marketing materials, ads, and tag lines. But, if people still don’t believe in [...]

By |2018-03-13T22:05:40+00:00March 13th, 2018|News & Events, RMR|Comments Off on Does Your Brand Match Your Culture?

Tips, Tricks & Trends – Marketing

Here's a marketing strategy - make REAL human connections. This Inc. article expresses, "In today's mass-reach world, it is easy to be blinded by scale. But in a world of seemingly infinite reach, that one-to-one connection is more valuable than ever." Read Want to Build a Great Marketing Strategy? Start by Making Human Connections. Here's How and learn about 3 main tips on human connection and how they can help build your marketing strategy. Want to Build a Great Marketing Strategy? Start by Making Human Connections. Here's How     

By |2018-03-07T20:41:26+00:00March 7th, 2018|Tips, Tricks, & Trends|Comments Off on Tips, Tricks & Trends – Marketing

Tips, Tricks & Trends – Creativity

Have you ever experienced a creativity block? Most everyone has. Creativity blocks are some of the most annoying and frustrating things. As much as you want ideas to keep flowing and things to keep moving forward, sometimes you just get -- stuck. Here is a CNBC article discussing tips to 4 sure-fire ways to stimulate creativity and get you out of those creativity blocks! 4 sure-fire ways to stimulate creativity  

By |2018-03-02T14:57:34+00:00March 2nd, 2018|Tips, Tricks, & Trends|Comments Off on Tips, Tricks & Trends – Creativity
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