Yearly Archives: 2018

Summer is Hot! Your Sales Collateral Can Be Too!

Eight Sure-Fire Steps to Better Sales Collateral By Robyn Sachs, President and CEO of RMR & Associates   You're in a face-to-face meeting, and someone has asked for more information about your company, product, or service. This opportunity calls for good sales collateral. Forget the "nobody reads them" myth. The truth is a customer with a problem to solve will read your brochure to see if you can help. Sure, it takes a salesperson to close the deal on a big-ticket item or customized service; but powerful collateral keeps you in the running. Like websites, weak collateral can eliminate you before the first cut. So here are eight techniques guaranteed to put more selling power into your sales collateral.   Start selling on the cover. A marketing brochure must answer the prospect's number one question: "What's in this for me?" Waste no time getting to the answer. Put a marketing message on the cover. If you can clearly and creatively express the main benefit, so much the better.   Sell benefits, not features. Why should anyone buy what you sell? Brochure copy written with selling power, focuses on benefits to the customer, not features of the product or service. Of [...]

By |2018-06-21T15:45:02+00:00June 21st, 2018|News & Events|Comments Off on Summer is Hot! Your Sales Collateral Can Be Too!

Tips, Tricks and Trends – Make Your Ads Works of Art but Your Marketing Plan Needs to be All Science

Good ads are works of art, as anyone in the field will tell you. But how do you make art out of Big Data? Hire a scientist. Make Your Ads Works of Art but Your Marketing Plan Needs to be All Science

By |2018-06-08T16:15:52+00:00June 8th, 2018|Tips, Tricks, & Trends|Comments Off on Tips, Tricks and Trends – Make Your Ads Works of Art but Your Marketing Plan Needs to be All Science

Tips, Tricks and Trends – GDPR is here!

General Data Protection Regulation is here! Are you up to speed with what it means for you and your business? Read this article for a good overview of what it means, common misconceptions, and how to comply with the new laws even if you aren’t in the EU. Europe's GDPR to Set New Standards in Data Protection and Privacy Law

By |2018-06-01T19:01:50+00:00June 1st, 2018|Tips, Tricks, & Trends|Comments Off on Tips, Tricks and Trends – GDPR is here!

Building TRUST To Make the Sale

Building TRUST to Make the Sale By Robyn Sachs, President and CEO of RMR & Associates   Imagine that you are shopping – it doesn’t matter whether your grocery shopping or preparing to buy large, high-tech office equipment – and you have the choice of buying from a well-known company with a good reputation, or one you’ve neither seen nor heard of before. Which one would you choose? Whether you’re deciding on a box of cereal or a high-end car, your choice is clear. People want to do business with someone they trust. And you can’t trust someone you’ve never heard of, can you? Build their TRUST to make the sale If your company’s name isn’t on the tips of your buyer’s tongues, how do you gain their trust so they’ll buy from you? Fortunately, this isn’t the puzzle it may seem to be. In marketing, we know the formula for building trust: Consistency of Message + Consistency of Frequency over Time = TRUST Or, simply put, consistency over time builds trust. Determine your most compelling message for your target audience. Then, regardless of the media you decide to use, get that message in front of your audience on a regular basis over a period of time. This [...]

By |2018-05-24T15:35:01+00:00May 23rd, 2018|News & Events|Comments Off on Building TRUST To Make the Sale

RMR Rollers go to Junior Achievement’s Bowl-A-Thon

The RMR Rollers had a blast at the Junior Acheievment Bowl-a-thon! Our very own Matt Potter won the High Roller-Male award for highest score of all the men that night. Great time, great fundraiser, great cause. Check out some photos from the event here.  

By |2018-05-18T17:42:20+00:00May 18th, 2018|News & Events|Comments Off on RMR Rollers go to Junior Achievement’s Bowl-A-Thon
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